
Empowering Change: Insights from the AFS Youth Assembly

Photo: Global Reach Alliance and AFS Youth Assembly delegates in New York City.

Author: Joanne Tan

Participating in the AFS Youth Assembly was genuinely enriching — not only fun and enjoyable but also filled with moments of inspiration, collaboration, and personal growth. Being surrounded by a diverse group of like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact in our communities broadened my understanding of critical global issues and reinforced the importance of education and sustained efforts in achieving long-term solutions.

It was especially valuable that the event closely tied into my ongoing research with the Reach Alliance. My team’s research focuses on the crucial role of digital technology in driving sustainable solutions to improve the well-being of migrant workers. While these technologies are available, it’s essential to educate migrant workers who might not be familiar with them to ensure these tools are truly beneficial. The discussions and activities over the three days strengthened this belief. While technology is an increasingly powerful tool for addressing various challenges, it must be used thoughtfully and responsibly. When applied inclusively, technology can greatly enhance educational efforts, providing access to information and learning opportunities that were previously inaccessible. However, without careful consideration of its limitations and potential risks, it can also exacerbate existing inequalities and create new challenges.

A key takeaway for me is that education is a cornerstone of sustainable development. It empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills to improve their lives and contribute to the well-being of their communities. Through education, people can gain the tools they need to make informed decisions, innovate, and create solutions that are not only effective in the short term but also sustainable in the long run.

Creating spaces where youth can come together to learn, collaborate, and grow is crucial for empowering the next generation of leaders. By participating in these spaces, we are not only equipped with the knowledge and skills to tackle the world’s challenges but are also inspired to take action and lead by example.

Such spaces also foster a sense of community and belonging, which is vital for personal and professional growth. They allow young individuals, including myself, to connect with peers who share their passion and drive, creating networks of support that can extend beyond the event itself. This sense of camaraderie and shared purpose is invaluable in cultivating the confidence and resilience needed to become effective leaders in the future. The event served as a powerful reminder of the potential we have as youth to effect meaningful change in our communities and the world.