Our Story

Our Mission

We pursue the full achievement of the SDGs by equipping and empowering the next generation of global leaders to create knowledge and inspire action on reaching the hardest to reach.

  • 313 Students
  • 57 Published Case Studies
  • 8 Universities
  • 25 Involved Countries

The Reach Alliance, founded in 2015 at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, in partnership with the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, was inspired by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Reach is a student-driven, faculty-mentored research and leadership initiative examining how critical interventions and innovations reach those who are the hardest to reach: those living in extreme poverty, the geographically remote, administratively invisible and marginalized. Our research has been featured in leading outlets, and our in-depth case studies are available on the Reach website.

The Reach Alliance recruits top students – equipping the next generation of leaders, to produce actionable insights – and catalyzes impact through our institutional partners.

The Reach Alliance is a leading global network of stakeholders from across sectors committed to advancing the Sustainable Development Agenda. Together, we are uncovering the most effective ways to achieve inclusive growth and preparing a generation of leaders with the skills to make it happen.

Our program recruits student leaders across the world’s best universities to investigate inventive, local solutions to pressing global challenges. The actionable insights being generated by our network are advancing an inclusive economy, one that will deliver value to all stakeholders while enabling the success of graduates, companies, communities and countries.

How is the research used?

Research teams have shared lessons and insights with policymakers and practitioners. Research findings have been published in prestigious journals, including the Bulletin of the WHO, the BMJ Global Health and Health Systems and Reform, and been covered in media outlets such as the Globe & Mail.

Each case study digs into what’s working and why in a specific context. They take into account the political, cultural and social contexts in each country and provide an in-depth look at the barriers, costs and solutions to reaching the hardest to reach through innovative program delivery.

Through its unique student-led research model, the Reach Alliance will  accelerate global efforts to ensure that no one is left behind.

Become a researcher

Find out how you can apply to be a Reach Alliance researcher.