Celine Lewis is a behavioural scientist working in the field of genetic and genomic medicine. Her work focuses on how patients and families relate to, communicate and make decisions around personal genetic information, and the subsequent behavioural, psychological and social outcomes. She has expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research methods including qualitative interviews and focus groups, observational work, and the development and validation of quantitative surveys and measures. Through her research she has worked with a range of key stakeholders including healthcare professionals and policy makers as well as patients, families and young people. Her research combines scientific rigour with storytelling ability. Celine worked at the patient organisation Genetic Alliance UK for 9 years where she became interested in patient and public engagement, in particular the difficulties and inequalities experienced by families in accessing mainstream services. A key aim of her research is to ensure genetic services serve the UK’s multi-ethnic and diverse population. She also tries to ensure that the research itself is inclusive for all individuals and families affected by genetic conditions.