Rebeca has a Master Degree in Education and Knowledge Management from ITESO and a Bachelor of Science in Education from the same University. After being part of ITESO, IBERO CDMX, the Marist University and CLAYSS, her professional profile has specialized in educational management and social education. She was Deputy Academic Director of Higher and Middle Education Projects, Coordinator of Professional Practices and Coordinator of the Social Service Program at IBERO CDMX. She has directed different community intervention projects in Mexico and abroad, as well as multiple centers and community programs on social-educational issues with a territorial and human rights perspective. She has designed project strategies to link formal education institutions and social organizations. She has been a professor of Community Project Design, Reality Analysis, as well as multiple workshops on Social Service, Professional Practice and Social Project Management. She has also coordinated higher and middle education projects and institutions from educational management and design-redesign of study plans and programs.