Master’s degree in communication of Science and Culture from the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Studies (ITESO). Postgraduate course in City Management and Creative Entrepreneurship at the University of Córdoba, Argentina. Degree in Textile Design and Graphic Design from the School of Fine Arts in Stuttgart, Germany. She directed the Design degree at ITESO from 2006 to 2008 and was director of the Department of Habitat and Urban Development from 2008 to 2014. She promoted the design of the master’s degrees in City and Public Space and Sustainable Projects and Building, and the master’s degree in Design Strategic and Social Innovation.She currently directs the Interdisciplinary Center for Training and Social Liaison (CIFOVIS), is responsible for the coordination of ITESO’s Professional Application Projects (PAP) and has coordinated for six years the PAP “Design as a factor of sustainable development for artisans and small producers in Tequila”.