Sara Hillman is an Associate Professor and Sub-Specialist in Obstetrics and Maternal and Fetal Medicine. She has an active clinical role running a dedicated prenatal genetics clinic and acts as an Attending Consultant on Labour Ward. Her remaining time is spent in her academic role. Her main research interests lie in application of next generation technology in investigation of placental pregnancy disorders including pre-eclampsia and poor fetal growth. She is currently the principal investigator for a MRC/ Newton funded project to investigate personalized approaches and treatment of anaemia in pregnancy. She has a passionate interest in global maternal and newborn health having collaborated with colleagues in India and Nepal over several years. Her latest undertaking involves implementation of a training program about massive obstetric haemorrhage, in conjunction with obstetricians in South West Tanzania. Her PhD investigated the paternal influence on fetal growth with findings from this work informing a successful MRC application for which she is currently a co-investigator investigating effects of paternal obesity on offspring birth weight. She has an active teaching portfolio, co-running the Organogenesis module in the Women’s Health Masters as well as being co-module lead for the Women’s Health iBSc.