The Reach Alliance is committed to being a prominent hub of inclusive knowledge production. We prioritize knowledge, knowers, and ways of knowing that have been traditionally disengaged and marginalized from ‘legitimate’ academic knowledge. We work with research collaborators to share findings with the global insight community, project implementers, those that contributed to the research, and those that can benefit from the research directly. We do so in ways that amplify the perspectives of those who have historically been left out or silenced in these discussions.

Ana Fierro

National Director of International Development of the School of Social Sciences and Government at Tecnológico de Monterrey, ITESM.

Jorge Membrillo-Hernández

Research Associate Professor, Institute for the Future of Education School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnologico de Monterrey


Professor, Campus Querétaro, School of Social Sciences and Government , Tecnológico de Monterrey

Camila Moreno Alvarado

Renée Gott Suárez

Diego Armando Canales

Assistant Professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Puebla

Sarahí Moreno