Daniela Mabel Gloss Nuñez is a full time professor and researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Formation and Vinculation at ITESO, the Jesuit University of Guadalajara. Her research interests are focused on emotions care and the defense of place in socio-environmental conflicts in Mexico. Currently she coordinates a research project at ITESO focused on women who defend their place, and the role of care and emotions in these processes. She has led the project Alter CÓDIGO ITESO since 2015, a professional aplication project focused on communication and social representation of social groups that face stigma and discrimination. Gloss currently teaches qualitative research and mixed methods to students of the Sociocultural Studies Department of ITESO. She has been part of international and muldisciplinary research and participative projects focused on social organizations, conflictivity, collective care, emotions and elder people and collectives that defend their place in Mexico, and specifically in the state of Jalisco. Gloss obtained her BSc in Communication Sciences, a Masters in Communication of Science and Culture, both at ITESO, and a Doctorate on Social Sciences, with specialization on Bodies, Territory and Emotions.