Join Us!
Join us in Toronto, Canada as we convene leading global thinkers, researchers, and practitioners from across sectors to share actionable research insights and advance the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Nov 20
Nov 21
Nov 22
2024 Reach Conference
See you there!
This event is invite-only. To request an invitation contact:
Please take note that November 20 is a day of Pre –Conference meetings reserved for Reach Alliance researchers presenting at the conference, Reach faculty mentors, and advisory council members. A separate invitation will be sent for this date.
November 21 and 22 are Days 1 and 2 of Reach Researcher Conference which are open to our broader Reach community. The final RSVP deadline is October 16.
Featured Speakers
Aparna Uppaluri
Founder, Antara Advisory; Senior Philanthropy Advisor, EdelGive Foundation
Wolfgang Fengler
CEO, World Data Lab
Aissatou Diajhate
International Development Executive
Alazne Qaisar
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto
Carlos Mazariegos
Head of Exploration, UNDP Accelerator Labs, United Nations Development Programme
Chenny Xia
CEO & Partnerships, Gotcare
Michael Anderson
Strategic Lead, Indigenous Health Program, University Health Network; Senior Researcher, Waakebiness Institute for Indigenous Health, University of Toronto
Masabata Mokgesi-Selinga
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Cape Town
Rushay Naik
Consultant, World Health Organization; Reach Alliance Alumni
Tully Mahr
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Melbourne
Gregorio Leal
Reach Alliance Collaborator; Mentor, Interdisciplinary Center for Education and Social Vinculation
Gladys Olisaekee
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto; Mastercard Foundation Scholar
Abhilash Mishra
Founder & Chief Science Officer, Equitech Futures
Joseph Wong
Vice President, International, University of Toronto
Nice Cailie
Reach Alliance Researcher, Ashesi University
Natasha Haffajee
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Cape Town
Marin MacLeod
Executive Director, Reach Alliance
Jordan Sandman
Principal, Investments, Co-Develop
Zandile Dumas
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Cape Town
Purva Mehta
Reach Alliance Program Officer
Matthew Lee
Director, International Office, Singapore Management University
Penina Lam
Senior Director of International Relations (Africa), University of Toronto
Imara Rolston
Reach Alliance Faculty Mentor, University of Toronto; Director, Community Climate Resilience Lab
Tariro Nyimo
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Cape Town
Alonso Muñoz Sanchez
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto
Ajak Diing
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Melbourne
Dexter Tan
Reach Alliance Researcher, Singapore Management University
Tracy Dusabimana
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto
Juliette Henry
Reach Alliance Researcher, University College London
José Rivera Martínez
Reach Alliance Researcher, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Kailin Tan
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Melbourne
Sergio Iglesias
Reach Alliance Researcher, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Shreya Agarwal
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto
Elody Torres
Reach Alliance Researcher, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Braven Rathesh
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Melbourne
Johanna Keren De los Reyes Batres
Reach Alliance Researcher, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Gina Johar
Vice President & Chief Digital Officer, Quinte Health
Minh Nguyen
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto
Javier Contreras Arreaga
Reach Alliance Faculty Mentor, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Iza Maria Sánchez Siller
Reach Alliance Faculty Mentor, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Kennedy Ojowi
Mastercard Foundation Scholar
Jemila Abdulai
Reach Researcher and Mastercard Foundation Scholar, University of Toronto
Laura Tozer
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Sarah Memme
Lead, Career Exploration & Workplace Learning, University of Toronto; Creator, WEflow Yoga & Movement
Featured Performances
The original musical piece Reach, that will be performed live for the first time at the 2024 Reach Conference, captures the dynamic action of “reaching,” symbolizing the constant pursuit of new heights in self-reflection and growth. The quartet unfolds with a sense of upward striving and exploration, creating a musical journey that balances moments of intense energy with reflective pauses.
Hsiu-Ping Patrick Wu
Composer, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto
Joelle Anna Crigger
Musician, University of Toronto
Inspired by her transformative Reach experience, Zoha has written a spoken word piece highlighting what individual-level accountability means regarding social impact work.
Zoha Sojoudi
Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto
The Asian Arts & Culture Trust (AACT) is a Canadian federal not-for-profit organization recognized by the Canadian government as a resource on anti-Asian racism. AACT promotes empathy, understanding, and representation of Asian arts, culture, and heritage in Canada. Through its public programming, AACT shares diverse voices, raises awareness of urgent sociocultural issues, and brings people together with differing worldviews to foster dialogue.
Zengcong Lai
Digital Experience Lead, Asian Arts and Culture Trust
Emily Gong
Co-founder, Asian Arts and Culture Trust
Yifei Liu
Team member, Asian Arts and Culture Trust
Media Partner
Conference Program
Please note this event is by invitation only.
9:00 – 9:30
9:30 – 10:00

Executive Director, Reach Alliance

Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Melbourne

Composer, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto

Musician, University of Toronto
10:00 – 10:30

CEO, World Data Lab

Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Melbourne
10:30 – 11:00

International Development Executive

Consultant, World Health Organization; Reach Alliance Alumni

Reach Alliance Researcher, Ashesi University

Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Cape Town
11:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 12:00

Principal, Investments, Co-Develop

Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto

Reach Alliance Researcher, Singapore Management University
12:00 – 12:30

Reach Alliance Faculty Mentor, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Cape Town

Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Melbourne

Reach Alliance Researcher, Tecnológico de Monterrey
12:30 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:30

Founder & Chief Science Officer, Equitech Futures

Reach Alliance Researcher, University College London

Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto

Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto
14:30 – 15:00

Senior Director of International Relations (Africa), University of Toronto

Mastercard Foundation Scholar

Reach Researcher and Mastercard Foundation Scholar, University of Toronto
15:00 – 15:30

Founder, Antara Advisory; Senior Philanthropy Advisor, EdelGive Foundation

Reach Alliance Researcher, University of Toronto
17:00 – 18:30

Head of Exploration, UNDP Accelerator Labs, United Nations Development Programme
2024 Reach Conference Through the Lens: Event Highlights

Community Insights Corner
“Whether it’s peace and security, climate change, or our attempts to improve human rights in our separate societies we have a lot of work to do. You need to do better than we have on these issues, that’s my challenge to Reach researchers. By connecting, working together, thinking together, and exchanging I’m feeling more hopeful about the state of our climate.”
Graeme C. Clark
Ambassador of Canada to Mexico
“What would the world look like if we started from the premise of acknowledging the dignity that we all yearn for and built systems to allow people to contribute to, I think that’s what Reach is about and I think that’s what we all have to be about.”
Jacqueline Novogratz
Founder and CEO, Acumen
“Reach’s work is centered around how to get important stuff to everyone everywhere. Reach is interested in the network effect in convening stakeholders from across sectors and seeks to drive collaboration between the academy, civil society, the private sector, and government.”
Walt Macnee
Retired Vice Chairman, Mastercard Worldwide; Advisory Council, Reach Alliance
“Engaging students in research of the lived experiences of marginalized groups is likely to amplify students’ ethical, entrepreneurial, and critical thinking; their concern for others and the courage to act for change.”
Angela Owusu-Ansah
Provost, Ashesi University
“The Reach Alliance is about strengthening networks, but it’s also about something I consider to be the most exciting part of working at a university: the free-flowing exchange of knowledge.”
Melanie Woodin
Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto
“Our commitment to research and social impact is a testament to our belief that knowledge when harnessed and applied wisely has the power to bridge gaps, and barriers and create opportunities for all.”
Juan Pablo Murra
Rector for Higher Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey; Advisory Council, Reach Alliance
“Solving big problems requires collaboration and co-creation [across sectors and disciplines]. And leadership that is human! Reach prepares the next generation of global leaders by turbo-charging the development of human skills like adaptability, collaboration, creativity and empathy.”
Zabeen Hirji. Retired Chief HR Officer, Royal Bank of Canada; Executive Advisor, Future of Work, Deloitte; Advisory Council, Reach Alliance
“It has been an amazing experience to share, learn, and grow among a global cohort of such passionate and critical thinkers. I am very appreciative of programs like the Reach Alliance for fostering the growth and development of individuals like myself and better equipping me as a global thinker.”
Jina Yazdanpanah
Reach Alumnus, University of Toronto
“It’s a life-changing experience to share spaces, even if digital, with a community of people driven together by the desire to create a positive and lasting global impact. Reach is an example of what can happen when the right people get together and create opportunities for young people to get involved and to use their knowledge to build something bigger than ourselves.”
Giovanna Villalobos
Reach Alumnus, Tecnológico de Monterrey
“Attending the 2023 Mexico Reach Conference helped me reflect on the importance of having a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to addressing global issues and creating innovative solutions. This has reignited my interest in using our research in an applied manner to make substantial and sustainable change. It was also incredibly motivating to hear about all the visionary research being conducted worldwide by our generation.”
Francesca Lanzarotti
Reach Alumnus, University College London